PRIMARY presents
Exhibition 1
PRIMARY presents
Exhibition 1—ECHO
In close parallel. Exploring the synergy between human experiences and artistic expression. How does it feel to see oneself reflected in someone else’s story? When inner experiences and personal reflections often return to us in altered forms, they are enriched by new contexts and understandings. Finding a sense of continuity, a thread, a connection.

For our debut exhibition, we invited twelve photographers to offer personal reflections on place and identity. The individuality of each portrait echoes the diversity of experiences, creating a larger, interconnected narrative of humanity.
In close parallel. Exploring the synergy between human experiences and artistic expression. How does it feel to see oneself reflected in someone else’s story? When inner experiences and personal reflections often return to us in altered forms, they are enriched by new contexts and understandings. Finding a sense of continuity, a thread, a connection.

For our debut exhibition, we invited twelve photographers to offer personal reflections on place and identity. The individuality of each portrait echoes the diversity of experiences, creating a larger, interconnected narrative of humanity.
more from the exhibition
Alexandra Alvarez Garcia
Ivory Campbell
Toby Coulson
José Cuevas
Chieska Fortune Smith
Brendan Freeman
Taemin Ha
Felicity Ingram
Arash Khaksari
Annie Lai
Daniel Obasi
Vivek Vadoliya